Friday, February 6, 2009

Why is work and life balance important?

If you think that work and life balance is just a saying which there is no possible way to achieve it. Then you are so wrong. It does not have a standard rule on how it should be. But there is always something at the very least..something which you can do to make your life better.

It is always true that work is important. Without work, how are you going to support your life, family and all the expenses. I totally understand that work is important. When I say work and life balance, I do not mean that you should not take your work seriously. All I am saying is, you can achieve more if you have a balance lifestyle.

Imagine if you have a bad relationship with your spouse just because you spent too little time for her, wouldn't that affect your performance at work? Perhaps you say you will be alright. Your spouse totally understand that your work comes first and don't mind not having you by her side most of the time. But in creating work and life balance, there are other components, like health, friends, hobbies and so on.

We will take health as example. If you work like a busy bee and then one fine day when everything else is fine, you fall sick. So sick that you have to be admitted and you have to stop work for a month just because of that. What are going to do if that really happen? Should you wait for this to happen or you can actually practise balance lifestyle to prevent this. Spend weekends exercising. Spend 15 minutes a day doing exercise or other healthy activities with friends or your children.

It is so simple and you think that this is just a whatever you call it, i don't know. Its the first step that is so important. Think of the reward. How can a healthy lifestyle help you in your work place. How can a clear and alert mind help you in meeting rooms?

So..can you really do this?.... You should decide..


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